
log in register help

How to register

  1. Go to the home page
    then click on register and fill in all the details.

    You should get an automatic email from support@shinfieldrunningclub.org.uk with a link to confirm your registration.
    It's quite likely that this email will will appear in your junk/spam folder instead of your inbox.

    It's possible the link won't display correctly in your email, in which case you should be able to copy and paste it into the browser.

  2. Once you've done this, you should be able to log into the system

  3. Log in using your email and the password you set during registration.

    On the home page (where the runs are listed) you can click on "my details" and then edit your details to add your emergency contact details and any medical conditions you want the SRC admin team to be aware of.

  4. Now go back to the home page

    You should be able to see all the available future runs listed.

    You should be able to join a run (as a runner) by clicking "join" (you might have to scroll to the right on a small screen)

    If you click on the run title it will take you into a page showing the run details. Here you should also be able to join a run.

  5. If you're volunteering to lead or tail a run and you don't see these options available next to "Join" then let us know via WhatsApp or Facebook.


If you get any error messages or weird output please let me know, preferably with a screenprint.

If you have any problems using the website, or if you have any questions, feedback or suggestions then please don't hesitate to email me.

Nick Baggott
